Mid Continent Railway Museum North Freedom, Wis This is the end of the line on the train ride You
have to leave the train really fast and run back to get this pic as they soon tell people they don't want them here
Be sure to stop at the Circus World Museum in neary Baraboo Wisconsin Dells is about 30 miles to
the north and plan on spending a few days

Trinadad Colorado This trio of Progress engines just north of Trinadad Doing some work on a brisk Febuaray morning
Be sure to stop in downtown to see the steam engine, caboose and coach. A nice old ore cart is on the other
side of town Trinadad has some excellent old architecture

MRL602, Marquette Iowa, the following Febuary The boyfriend giving me the usual "hurry up and get your train picture"
was in deep trouble. There is ice in the back of pickup truck beds in the winter and I fell and went Boom big time.
A gyrls gotta do what a gyrls gotta do to get the pic. Stop and see the big pink Elephant close to here,
Prarrie Du Chien across the river is a great stop.
These are some of my personal favorites from Amazon